Pinky Rings

It feels good to be able to look at great overseas pieces of vintage jewellery and be actually able to afford them again- this Christmas my lovely parents were very generous to both my brother and I. I felt very giddy when I spotted this gorgeous gold ring with a contrasting flower cut into the stone (going through a big black and gold phase at the moment now) and the claw setting. I was so surprised at the feminine structure of it all, what with the shoulders as well as the detail across the band. It's not often you see such thick gold used in the band of a ring as well as the great length of detail used on it. It's such a tiny size too, it would be quite tight even on my smallest finger, my none-preferred hand and on my pinky but I have sort of been interested in acquiring a pinky ring and this would be perfect- hippy and chic and very feminine and full of glamor.

Matt Smith was absolutely adorable on last year's Graham Norton Christmas show in which he wore a three piece suit as well as a pinky ring and had worn off purple nail polish. He's sort of the main motivation behind this post and while watching Doctor Who DVDs full of extra bits through read throughs he'll be wearing a pinky ring and still manage to look as manly as a sack of bricks next to a trowel and wet cement. His ring too had a rather large black face across it and while men have an easier time finding pinky rings, women do not so I really should try my best to snap up such a great vintage piece of jewellery while I am able to.

It's only recently that I've taken to claw settings but I really do love the thick detail of the shoulders, the many claws as well as the exquisite detail of the carved flower in black agate. I can see the centre of the flower and the shape of each petal as well. Cameo rings are nice but this is simply one-of-a-kind and so unique it would make your jaw drop to the floor.

I love the combination of tapestry material as well as a pink ring which looks so simple but classic as well. Anyone that knows me well would know I wear a lot of rings or used to but I do like the look of only wearing a ring on your pinky as opposed to my usual method of having a ring on the thumb and middle ring in silver. It'd be great to move more towards gold and I do have some nice Estate finds from online sellers but the decadent floral cameo ring would be the magnus opus of all my collection.
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