Cat Power

Inspired by all the lovely Givenchy panthers from their 2011 collection I now want to share with the world some lovely pictures of cats to brighten up everyone's days and make them feel cheery. Although cats are perceived to be selfish, independent and uncaring towards their owner as well as callous killing machines, one can't help but feel gooey inside and saw 'aw' when seeing a cat's face magnified through a cliche and perfectly circular fish bowl. I love the way the fish seems to be right between the eyes of the magnified and reflect image of the cat, the composition of this photograph is all just very cute.

While I have been looking for vintage armchairs made of velvet on eBay to get cheap, I think I would be a lot happier with this large cat shaped beanbag that is certain to take up half my room, replace my bed and also be replaced with all my clothes to save on storage. By comparison it makes a normal human shrink like Alice when lying around with this large and faceless beast but imagine the comfort of lying in the sun streaming through the window while lying on it. I can imagine it now, a good book and slumped into a position that is sure to make any practicing chiropractor cry. That's what holidays are for.

This happy snap reminds me of the scene in 'Snow Dogs' in which the main character bites a dogs ear in an attempt to command respect. However, I would like to point out that this guy is holding the ear of his cat between his lips and not using his teeth, Therefore he isn't actually biting the little fluffy beast and isn't causing it any harm. I used to do this a lot with my rabbits, just because I could and they had long soft ears.

I don't know what kind of sick individual dresses a cat in a shirt but I do like their take on decor with this lovely furry deer. My friend had a similar kind of deer sitting in her front sitting room but they usually come in pairs and are facing each other. I guess someone moved on and now has a love for cats and not other deer.

While getting tattoos on your fingers will prevent you from getting a job as a teacher in Victoria Australia, it sure does look cool. My hero, musician and singer Dallas Green has the words 'True Love' on his fingers in red but I do love the 'Cats Meow' tattoo as well. Is it just my imagination, or do the letters look a little lop-sided compared to the next one? Since I'm a perfectionist, I can't imagine a fate worse than having someone permanently muck up a tattoo on my skin and being reminded of it every time I look in the mirror. That would be the perfect way to slowly kill and depress me- remind me of something I've done wrong or a mistake I regret.

Apart from cool vintage furniture that looks french and is made of either tapestry or velvet I would love to have a cool feature wall on the inside of my room. The black cat staring hauntingly behind the back of this young man reminds me of all the lovely panthers used for the Givenchy collection... I must be quietly addicted to it. My reasoning behind lusting after furniture as well as a pint job for my room is that it will prevent it from becoming the mess it is so likely to become again and again when the stresses of study get to me again. The hours are much lighter for university though; so you never know, I may just have time to live a little as well and actually enjoy life.

I love cats with different coloured fur around their little eyes- for example, take this sleeping beauty. One of my favourite things to do when alone with my boyfriend is spoon together and play footsies. I love the idea of owning a cat content with spooning as well and this toy is perfect for the little guy to cuddle with.

Cats can pull off some of the most photogenic poses when they're in the mood for it. I sort of want a cat but I don't really know where to begin when it comes to caring for them. While I do like their bodies, stylised faces and have shared the foot of my bed a couple of times with a kitty to keep them warm I suppose I really do prefer owning rabbits. You don't have to worry about them destroying anything while your away or getting lost, or fighting with anything else in your street because they're good and stay put in their hutches. Also, giving them medication is a lot less of a struggle.

"I love cats. I love every kind of cat. I really love cats. I just want to hug all of them, which is crazy cause I can't hug every cat. But I just want to."
"I think about how many don't have a home and how I should have them and how cute they are. And the ears and the whiskers and the nose.

"I just love them and I want them and I want them in a basket and I want little bow ties.
"I want them to be on a rainbow and in my bed. I just want a house full of them and I just want us to roll around."

If I ever get off my duff to do something constructive I may just buy a magazine on cats to make a fun collage and at the centre I'll have a neat picture of myself, just like this darkly coloured magazine extract.
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