Number one: she is tanned but not over tanned just sun-kissed. If you have a warm hair colour a gentle tan is advisable to look good without make-up. This rule doesn't concern you if you are a typical "Snow White" with cold skin and hair colour.
Number two: her skin is moisturized but doesn't shine. Moisturize your face before going to sleep and use an anti-shine cream during daytime.
Number three: it may sound trivial but her hair is just washed and fresh. You will never look good without make-up when your hair is unfresh. Unfortunatelly, women often wear no make-up with untidy hair at the same.
Number four: shiny hair with a lot of thin highlighs make her face radiant and match the sun-kissed complexion. If you are a "Snow White" try to make you colour even and glossy.
Number five: if you don't accept your face you will never look good without make-up so don't be too critical of your appearance.
Number six: perfect eyebrows, not too thin, not too thick will shape your face and your eyes will be more visible.