Has ringing in the new year and celebrations left you feeling sluggish and hung over? Itching to start your resolutions and become a fitter, healthier and more simple version of your current self? To feed and encourage your inner nature admirer, bird watcher or animal lover the perfect solution has arisen- while searching on the Good as Gold online store and choosing what other item to buy alongside my Deadly Ponies Mr Lure I happened upon a fantastic range of necklaces using polished semi-precious stones as well as unusual animal tusks and antlers, bound using precious metals. I was very tempted to buy the panther necklace but then decided to buy a Stolen Girlfriends Club Bow ring for $50 cheaper than another online New Zealand store and could wait around/ choose another piece to buy from Nick Von K. I had been waiting some three or four years to buy the bow ring and since I saw it at the New Zealand airport when I was flat broke, I suppose that was the last straw really.
The acorn shape is true to nature and doesn't turn it into a caricature and is rather a true representation of this little nut. I usually don't the Tiger's Eye stone, but the grain of the stone is a perfect imitation of wood and the clashing colours of light gold and brown is my favourite variation. The great thing about Nick Von K and his mob is that there's room to choose the pieces you want and have a personalised order; these acorn necklaces shown here are in obsidian (black), pounamu (green), rose quartz (pink) and tigers eye (brown). If you have a personal preference or have something else in mind, you also have the choice of citrine, amethyst, adventurine, sodalite, clear quartz, smokey quartz, amazonite, crysoprase, red tigers eye and blue tigers eye, to name a few.
For me, my Nick Von K journey and fascination began with the carved lines of this panther necklace in black water buffalo horn after having written about the Givenchy Fall/ Winter collection of 2011 which heavily featured the jungle cat in their designs of clothing as well as accessories. The fangs, large strong nose as well as flattened ears mounted on a silver base connected to 75cm of Sterling silver chain almost became mine.
I was delighted after my second day of university to find an enchanting email from the lovely chief of Nick Von K, Nick Klarwill thanking me about my little articles and gave me a run down of the maerials used for the powerful crved necklaces:
"I get everything produced in Bali where I handpick and sit down with the best local carvers I can find to do each specific design - as I see they have an affinity with my style and the idea Im trying to get across. They carve everything from stone to wood, including the mammoth tusk which is dug up in northern Canada and Siberia - but some carvers are definitely better than others!"Also, the black eagle head necklace and panther head necklace aren't made of onyx as one may assume."I should point out tho that the panther head (and eagle head) pendants are handcarved from black water buffalo horn, not onyx, which makes them actually quite light in weight."
Once in a blue moon I will find myself longing for days in old in which I could play with Doll's houses and run my fingers over there furniture in miniature. It appears however, that I am growing up and spent the last day of 2011 cleaning all the dust and junk from under my bed as well as the dusty walls. In the past two days I have added four garbage bags to the wheelie bin and am now incapacitated to clean anymore till collection day, two days away. I would love to properly decorate my room like an adult and add maybe a vanity or a french upholstered chair. Which leads me to admire the poise of this elegant and elongated cat sitting on a carved chair with detail in filigree accentuated by an oxidised touch. The two chair legs at the front in the shape of cats caught my eye and this is possibly my favourite from the Jungle of Eden collection. Your cat comes in a choice of either pounamu or turquoise, I may opt for turquoise myself.
As well as mammals and birds, there are aquatic creatures such as the octopus involved in a few of Nick Von K's collections and even this sweet little grasshopper ring. I never had a great affinity for bugs and I can't say they ever struck a chord of fear within my heart, (arachnids are not included) but I do like the mount of this sculpted beauty on the ring and the way at clings to the base. The carved detail on it's back as well as legs has a very exotic and Mexican appeal to it. It's a great statement ring for those who like to create gossip about themselves or who just enjoy the unique and unusual.
I love the paralysing stare of the Eagle, it seems so intense and yet it's just a mere carved object. The attention to detail involved for their pieces is fantastic, the carved end of the beak as well as the etched out feathers surrounding the neck of the bird is something else. Some jewellers wouldn't bother and would rather smooth it out but Nick Von K is willing to go that extra mile and use some of the best black water buffalo horn and organic animal horns and tusks, strings them on Sterling Silver chains and gives you something to be proud to wear.
This carved orb features two polar bears grappling together in an embrace and is another piece I was considering getting myself as a belated Christmas treat but something struck me as odd when I read the description:Hand carved mammoth ivory on 75cm stg silver chain
It reminds me of my sweet high school chum and best friend, Clare nicknamed the polar bear. I am probably more drawn to the design for her sake but that doesn't mean I don't love the design. I do believe that this is a special person out there, the one, that will make you feel whole like you never have felt before and that they complete you. When you find them, a great bond and unity is created and to me this is what these two hugging polar bears represents.

The last of the three snake head charms pictured above is made of rose quartz but the detail of scales is emphasised with gold inlay for a little extra glamor among such a poisonous and deadly symbol. I'm actually most captivated by the slit like eyes of the middle and smaller snake head in turquoise- it's paralyzing as well as slightly soaked in malice and the shade of turquoise is absolutely stunning in contrast to the silver mount and rectangular linked chain. The quality of the turquoise stone and without being riddled by lines of impurity it really allows the lines and detail of the scales as well as the sculptural snout and temple of the snake shine through- something that's so important when trying to market really gorgeous and unique jeweller. I can imagine it being modelled on an Indian snake charmers family heirloom- were it not for the fact it did originate from the creative mind of Nick Von K designer Nick Klarwill.