As a late Christmas present to myself I indulged in some suede black slippers as flats which are a little stiff at the moment but when I wear into them properly I am sure they will be wonderful. I could even make myself a fake pair of Jeffrey Campbell Elegant Jewel slippers by making a trip to the craft store and getting a reliable hot glue gun. Knowing me though I'd only muck it up and they are really lovely as they are... of course I only say that since I payed half price for them using a store discount but hey I have been looking for another pair of reliable black flats in suede. Hopefully I won't trash this pair by walking in the rain too much.
I love the use of colours as well as the sort of symmetrical pattern emerging from this birds' eye view- there's the symmetry of the colours used which of course means that you won't have two of the same coloured plastic gem in a row. That's very clever and I think important when doing something like this because it does make it seem a little more tidy and organised rather than just adding what gems where you feel like at the time. I'm even a little startled by the length of detail and the precise placing of each jewel, it is very eye-catching and colourful but in no way does it seem excessive or over the top. You've got to hand it to Mr Campbell, he really does know how to make a good pair of shoes.
What's attractive to me about the slipper style of flats is the way it exposes the top of the foot and leaves it showing any lovely hidden tattoos you may have collected during your life or in my case will let a little sunshine onto that patch of skin and leave it to tan. It seems like such a classic structure, looking a bit like someone else's slippers out of a war-time English special but the revival of such a structure is much welcomed by me and since I was able to buy my slippers of a similar structure for $15, well, it only makes me feel even more pleased.