Your Crowning Glory

I was left feeling very inspired after seeing 'Where the Wild Things Are' movie- which i felt represented the perspective of an outsider and the difficulties of maintaining a relationship. A key motif of the film was the symbol of a crown used to enforce order and something that empowered the key protagonist, Max. It's interesting the kinds of crowns you get, Alice in Wonderland by Walt Disney features a small crown for the overbearing Red Queen while her husband had a large crown. I guess the choice was to mismatch them and make them look more as a couple and give a sense of unity to the wedded duo. Still, as you can see you can have tall or shallow crowns and all manner of spiked arrangements, even for the simple paper crown or crown crafted from cardboard.

One of the things I most like forward to about creating some space to take photographs is to find some cosy, fluffy grey jumpers or jumpsuits and do my own little 'Where the Wild Things Are' shoot and create a crown made of metallic gold cardboard. I'm sure if I did more searching I would find some toy scepters from the time in which I was into princesses and dress ups but it wouldn't be as much fun and wouldn't really suit the crown I would wear. Also, I am fairly certain in the movie there was no ruby gem in the middle of Max's sceptre.

Not only reserved for the most noble of bloodlines, crowns can also be worn by everyone's drunk and dorkiest uncle at Christmas day dinner after pulling apart a few bon bons and telling several bad jokes. The theory behind why bad jokes are told is that it turns everyone in the room against the joke in all its awfulness and that they are all joined together in their hatred against the corny pun. Therefore a sense of unity is created- so I have heard on intelligent quiz shows.

I am proud to be able to identify the runway show and season which this gob-smacking photograph came from. Emulating and imitating the classical Grecian/ Roman wales came many long and flowing dresses that were all red carpet worthy as well as gold tinted make up and props such as this crown used to mimic the life-giving sun. The collection was from Jean Paul Gaultier and was part of the Spring/ Summer collection in 2007. How do I know for sure? When first getting an interest in Vogue and magazines I borrowed a copy which contained a runway report of that season and neatly plucked it from it's bindings using a very sharp pair of scissors. It's the closest I've come to thievery and I proudly display my trophy above my bed using blue tack to keep it in prime position for when I sit up in the mornings. Mind you, I haven't had a lot of strength or motivation to sit up in bed, I do end up lying about for about an hour and a half or so though.

I leave you with Australian model Abbey Lee Kershaw in her earlier days minus the peroxide blond hair and sporting the iconic wolf costume and crown that Max from the popular children's picture book 'Where the Wild Things Are' is depicted wearing. If she ever did command I kingdom I would gladly join in an attempt to be adopted and taken under her wing.
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