It's salty, full of fat and sugar and can raise your cholesterol through the roof but unfortunately it's also very tasty and satisfying. Normally I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions, instead I try to improve upon myself for the month of January to set the tone for the busy year ahead and make time to do the usual tasks. Today was the last day of 2011; I spent the day doing laundry, cleaning under and around my bed and taking out as many as three garbage bags of rubbish from paraphernalia collected under my bed. I had also meant to watch three episodes of Doctor Who in a row while sitting on the exercise bike and pumping the pedals non-stop but after cleaning so much dust I had the keen sense of feeling filthy and had to take a prompt shower.
2011, the year that was held many promising events for me in my final year of high school. As a senior student and at the top of the food chain in the school grounds, there were many privileges my year level was blessed with such as exclusive costume days and the hyped up formal I think I reached my academic potential and was blessed with a SAT/ A Level/ ATAR score that will hopefully allow me into my institute of choice. I studied more than thirty hours a week and on rare occasions in the lead up to exams, forty and even fifty hours a week. Last year was all about hard work and preparation. This coming year, 2012 will be about socialising, becoming the person I want to be and being happy studying Science at Melbourne University.

While I have already managed to curb my fetish for fast foods and successfully have declined my mother's offer for artery clogging burgers and fries, my will has not been of iron and even looking at these photographs now makes me want to hurl myself at the fridge. Although, in my defence, my last meal was four hours ago and since then I have only enjoyed drinking water. Tomorrow and in the coming week ahead I hope to become an avid user of the exercise bike as well as lose the weight I have managed to put on since Christmas. I don't exactly feel good since I ate a very large portion of salad today and have managed to put on a kilogram since last night. A banana, two pieces of toast, smoked chicken slices with salad and coleslaw as well as a large serving of curry isn't exactly what I would call unhealthy food but the scales once again seem to disagree with me.

If I have the mindset of treating fast food as an illicit drug, maybe I will have a better job of avoiding it. Considering the awful effects pointed out by Morgan Spurlock's documentary 'Supersize Me', it's not too far to say that when over used and abused, fast food can be as damaging as say, smoking or alcohol.
A promising prospect on the horizon for 2012 along with less days of study is the opportunity to become a better basketball referee and take on at least one more shift, if not two. Maybe that will be able to counter any food I eat as well as earn money to buy pretty things and save up for Canada. The past year was brilliant, and I was blessed to share it with so many friends as well as loved ones and I hope 2012 can only be bigger and better, not just for me but for all of us. Also, if the world didn't end, that would be brilliant.