Something that takes me by surprise countless times is the use of blue in punk clothing and outfits and how well it works as a constituent shade of darkness. Once I at least sort out my funds of what will be spent on fun things and what must be saved, I will either buy a wonderful handbag that will serve me for years to come or I will be in the mood to finally buy a pair of creepers. I would probably be a little more enthused to buy some creepers once my leggings from Wowch come in the mail but for now I have my mind set on a good studded, black leather handbag. I'm also thinking of injecting some more blue into my wardrobe by wearing clear shoes with blue socks and denim shirts, but it looks like I'll need to make me mind up and prioritise- I can't possibly buy all the lovely items my heart desires at this moment in time.
Sometime last year (possibly even in 2010) Oyster Magazine featured a striking image of a girl with heavy black front fringe and a gold-metal studded leather jacket- I thought it looked like heaven on Earth. An icier and cooler reincarnation of the same jacket has once again blesses us this time with silver studs and chic blue hair. I'd love to be able to stud things myself but I have seen far too many sub-par studded jackets and would prefer it be done right and with medical precision. I don't own a leather jacket myself and while they're not on trend prolifically at the moment I wouldn't mind having something with biker gang toughness to wear over my sweaters for university. It just feels so good being punk.
At this very instant I am watching David Attenborough's documentary on bears which features our friend the polar bear. I feel horrible and worn it today and a little blue myself- I think lethargic would be the best word since I've started my holiday for Mid-Semester break and need to revise over all the biology lectures, something which I'm struggling with. Were it not for the fact that I am such an over-achiever and I pride myself on my grades, I would love to curl up in bed with the laptop and watch Japanese movies and blog all day. This is but a simple reprieve from my busy study schedule in order to make time later in the week to relax- when I'll really need the rest and relaxation.
Another wonderful result of my rest from attending lectures is that I allowed my self ample time to scope out Tumblr and collect a few more photographs and images together and explore the Olympia Le-Tan blog. In the online world is a refuge of Japanese and mysticism, something I've been in dire need of for some number of weeks. The next week will be spent refueling my spiritual tanks and getting inspired once again to write and also commentate on collections. There's a great variety of new collections on Solestruck and other 2012 runway shows I can't wait to share with all of you.
My last holidays were spent in the company of aromatic, scented candles of Cherry Blossom and a near-obsession with fire and flames. While I don't attempt to spend my time again in such insidious conditions and with dark auroras abound, I wouldn't mind using them to spark a mood of romanticism- were it not for the fact my family will be home for the entirety of my break. It looks like I'll be faithfully enjoying the company of my new laptop and interactions with the keyboard instead...
While my father would be both abhorred and scarred by the image of such a beauty with blue hair, I love the modern and fresh take on models. I watch Britain's Top Model on and off when I can (the only region where I can tolerate their accents and challenges) and was delighted when a contestant for the show, Anastasia, received a makeover of pink hair. Whether you opt for luscious pink looks or something a little more close to the heart of the ice queen, I am certain that for a moment you will capture strangers' attention. With a great variety of streaking shades and colours that branch out from the scalp and culminate over tantalising bare breasts, I love the new and artistic nature fashion has been heading towards as of late.
I'm already looking forward to studying abroad and I think my mind has been swayed to either visit Japan for three weeks with my mother or study there as part of student exchange. I caught up with all the recent activity of my favourite Parisian designer who had been to visit the Miyazaki museum, feeding my own childish love of manga and the zoo as well as other adorable photos. I can't wait to press my ugly nose up to airplane windows as I touch down into foreign lands again and to go mental with disposable cameras to cement my aspirations, hopes and dreams within a strange city. There's inky black skies and flickers and streamers of light to look forward to on my own when I get out there into the big bad world.
While I had been keen to go on night time adventures in parks and finally engage in wild youth-filled exuberance I'm struggling to stay up at night due to me early morning routine and will probably hang around the house for the next few days over Easter. You often picture what your life is going to be, and plan what you want to become and no matter how much you want something within a single instance, by the time you get to what you plan for, you don't want it anymore. It's enough to make you blue when your mother wants your brother to buy his own house and he's playing video games starring batman instead.
I rather badly wanted to make today productive and do work and get on top of my study and feel an aching sense of tiredness, intermingling with accomplishment. I made a small dent into the lectures I need to review, watched an absolutely inspiring video of Tavi Gevinson's room and interview about her journey in fashion blogging and fragmented outfits and am now listening to covers of Lana Del Rey. Strong women and being strong myself usually cheers me up but I could kill for a coffee right about now... were it not for the fact it's nine o'clock at night. I hope everyone is having a cheery Easter.