One of the more distinct designs among the range include Senso's fantastic block heel wedges, showcasing the wooden soles of these bad boys wrapped in pink straps of sheer delight, but what more closely resembles some sort of rubber. While some may be tricked into thinking of entrapment and confining, all I see is the two materials weaving in and out of each other and the elements of designed balanced perfectly together. It's a little strange that I don't feel the pink is strangling the material, but there's something just so wonderful and creative about the heels I can't pinpoint a negative notion about them. On another note, nothing fails to excite me more than a design I haven't yet seen before and that is unique and one of a kind. For that reason I love a blend between vintage and high end fashion labels that achieve runway success with a blend of obscurity but when I find something within my own price range that I adore, that sends a shiver up my spine.
With my continual stalking of Cambridge Satchel Company satchels on eBay in their many wonderful colours, fluorescent shades have been hard to ignore within the last few months of fashion blogging. If the Agnes Senso shoes from the S/S12 range are anything like their bright and colourful counterparts of carry-ons, then they could look well with even the most neutral of outfits. It would be wonderful to see some companion images of models styled in outfits wearing the shoes and more than just the side profile, but with my reliance on Asos for clothes at the moment I am getting spoilt for choice as far as images and motion is concerned. After all, it's not often many shoe stores will dare to photograph their product on models; not when the customer has yet to try on the shoe and really develop a taste and feel for both colour and design of the piece.
It may surprise you to know that despite an obvious affinity for grey ad muter colours, I also have a soft spot for sparkly pink pieces. Spying these beauties on the Senso website easily made them my favourite shoes of the entire collection and are also conspiratorially named after one of my favourite British models. Agnes may not be the same as Agynes Deyn, but the two are closely related to create vivid pictures of peroxide blond hair and ghostly graceful thin-limbs. The wedges themselves are the perfect party shoe and sure to get anyone's attention on the dance floor; a matching outfit isn't necessary either. In fact for pieces as special as this, I think wearing them with a variety of clothes is a wonderful idea to promote creative growth and imagination as far as getting dressed is concerned. The sparkly rainbow sheen of pink colours reminds me a lot of a certain shade of Sally Hansen nail stickers I bought in America for a long holiday in sunny California; I must have Coachella envy on the brain at the moment (who honestly doesn't?).
Digital prints and printed patterns on silk have been on my mind on and off again for a while- it's not often I take to a pair of sandals in such a way but I think the unusual way in which they wrap around the foot and the security of cloth in footwear is enough to coax me into bearing my skin. Simple black riding pants from American Apparel or faux leather skin-tight pants and a comfy jumper would be my ideal way to wear these shoes. Too bad I'm missing out on the blogging opportunity to show off my own style with Solestruck in collaboration with Senso. It is possible that with more and more outfit posts I will at last gain firm notoriety amongst the fashion online community here in my own country. Till then, I have nothing but praise for the hard work of all six of the wonderful and lucky girls that they do on their websites.
It's still too cold to even contemplate wearing such a chic pair of sandals in my neck of the woods, but I've become fond of wearing hand-made socks in an amazing variety of colours as well as textured tights. Straw-like rope round around the heels of sandal wedges hasn't always been a trend I've easily identified with, but there's something about the combination of cool colours and the thick knots of material that really appeal to me. I love the exploration of the one theme continually throughout this Summer/ Spring collection for Senso- an element of warmer weather is clearly visible but there are versatile shoes that can be worn day or night and will still look great.
I certainly loved the amount of variation on these wedge sandals; wedges I find offer a lot more stability when having to traipse up and down in the city or markets or maybe even festivals. I've been on a recent shopping rampage, I've bought two pairs of shoes within the last two weeks to the tune of $150 in total, but it may be a while before I get my hands on anything from Senso. At the rate I'm going, I'll be behind on the newest shoe releases by some few months and left to try and set my own trends. While that seems to have worked in my favour throughout high school, I have yet to contribute any worthwhile trend to campus life. Maybe sporting seasonal pieces from another region will gain notoriety amongst those commuters on my trains and bus lines.
Paint-splattered vintage designs have had the character of youth and exuberance about them, but never have I seen them be worn with a chic trend aura about them until now. The angular cut of the heel and slope of the wedge, as well as the thick straps of suede and patterned material adds a little flavour to what would be an otherwise boring shoe. Purple is one of my favourite colours and having a small taste of what Senso are capable of when working with the colour has got my yearning for my variety and more shades. While outrageous and nose-bleed inducing heels are always fun to play with and enjoy to wear, for events where I'm not so confident of my own stride and don't need the extra height, I think this sweet little heels are a nice compromise.
Art was never my best subject (despite my love for illustrations and colour), but I can appreciate the clashing colour combinations and vivid contrast that adorn the thick straps of this pair of heels. When worn with a dress in the style of cubism and eye-catching hair, you could easily outdo any other girl at a fashion event, this year's Melbourne fashion week was trumped by a girl with half pink and blue hair and a Deadly Ponies Mr Lure. If I had a spare hundred dollars floating around that is not intended for my future travel fund I'd love to get my hands on either pair of paint splattered heels. The thick, chunky heel has such a sculptural shape about it- for someone who doesn't often wear heels it's a relief to see something functional as well as artistic and creative to wear on one's feet.
It's been a while since I 've even considered tie -dye to be an appealing texture and printed pattern in fashion- but at the same time I've been utterly obsessed with wooden heels and platform boots as of late. A fondness of most things Japanese (excluding the culinary) has lead me to adore kimonos, obi, kokeshi dolls and traditional sandals. This is the perfect marriage of those two loves: my adolescent admiration of tie-dye and the dream-like assurance of seeing clouds in an aeroplane. As an unconscious habit I tend to avoid blue when I can; every single school uniform I have ever worn has been one shade of blue or another. However, I can't say that I have any blue shoes in my wardrobe and that Senso would be a lovely way to break this particular colour drought. They'd certainly be a challenge to wear with any outfit, but I think as I practice the art of layering exuberantly I could comfortably rise to any challenge represented in the form of clothing or accessories.