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Were it not for my uncouth and uncultured ways, I would have sooner discovered that Jeanne Damas is not a model as I first though she was, but is instead a French blogger... or that's what I gather from the little information about her but plentiful amount of Google Images associated with her name. Despite not being able to speak French at any level in school I still think it's fascinating to see what fashion bloggers from around the world have to show off on their websites and the clothes that they wear with the two hemispheres giving two different seasonal trends.
What impresses me most about some bloggers is the artistic quality of their photographs as well as the magazine quality fashion trends of their clothes and styling. I myself have been after some printed shirts from Etsy with edgy designs in obscure fashion and a warm woolen coat or something fluffy would be welcome to keep me company. I won't be taking up smoking anytime soon but I would love to sit by a window poetically and stare out at the city... were it not for the fact I live in a small suburban area and my window view is scarred with trees.
At the moment there are two Cambridge Satchel Company satchels in fluorescent yellow available to buy on eBay, the same wonderful bright shade pictured above. It must be my strange admiration for graffiti and longing to have bangs again that is driving me to pursuit buying the yellow satchel but if it can be worn with a simple ensemble of grey and brown, then it is bound to work with nearly anything; given the right levels of confidence to show it off. I sort of miss the grit of the street: the litter of stubbed out cigarettes and the dirty water in the middle of my own city- but not that much. Getting back to university next week and on public transport will be good enough for me.
Along with fluffy and furry coats to shelter myself in for the long and lonely trips on the train and bus, I have also been stalking my favourite vintage online store, Claire Inc. for some other sweaters and jumpers to add to my brimming wardrobe. Mustard yellow may not always be my forte, but I quite like the combination of elbow patches as well as dark red fleece don't across the chest of the friend on the left. Jeanna Damas may not be the apple of my eye in this photograph, but she still look fantastic with a lighter hue in her hair and classy, black blazer.
There's a great range of moods and tones about the photographs that Jeanne Damas stars in- never before have I seen such a great variety of different compositions of shots. Some fashion bloggers eventually get fixated and have a certain type of angle or shot they use to show off their outfits, as well as the same type of camera but I think the unpredictable nature of how Damas presents herself leaves a lot to the imagination. It's always wonderful to see elements of vintage film photography mixed in with the new and exciting filter effects achieved with the help of everyone's favourite digital enhancer, Photoshop.
I know how to achieve such a distorting and dysfunctional effect with the use of a flash, some cellophane and a film camera, but I have no idea where to start when it comes to generating a photograph in this image using Photoshop. I wish I was a little better at touching up my photographs, or in general, cared more about the process of further developing my images before uploading them to my blog. It's hard to summon the motivation to use the program though when all I have is a cheap free version on my computer that prevents me from saving them in their highest picture quality. No one can be that keen to look at large and blurry images, no matter how finely tuned and fixed they are by clever use of the clicker.
I never was able to resist an animal lover either, the combination of lust worthy red nails as well as smouldering brown eyes and pink lips with a kitten in hand is enough to overwhelm someone with my melancholia. There have been some small and unwanted guests at my parents house that could really be taken care off with the simple employment of a kitty- Dad is unfortunately not going to be swayed on the position of cat ownership.
There's also an apparent dark side to this stunning French blogger- within the first few entries of Google Images to her name, there are some tasteful shirtless photographs amongst the cigarette toting. In her hand is a charming book by the title of 'The World of Sex'. Now I'm all for dirty books since there is a wealth of information those before us have been able to pen down but don't expect to see any photographs of me getting my kit off- tasteful or otherwise.
It's not always just about showing off a good outfit and being justly described as being classically beautiful- there's charm and quirk as well as an ordinary magic to some of her photographs. Whether she's taking time out to feed her cravings on a chic balcony or simply scoping out the best food in the fridge, you can be sure to see the charming dark brown eyes fixated on the lens of the camera. I'd love to try a similar shot for myself when I get a better camera to really know what the image will look like- and a new kitchen. There's not many suitable places in my home for photography, aside from the bland and neutral hallway which isn't crammed full of junk.
As well as developing a pleasing visual style and playfulness about one's outfit, I think being a fashion blogger is a little more than just putting clothes together and looking pretty, smiling for the camera. There's a lot more that can be done such as composition and evoking certain moods and tones of romanticism, such as the shy glance of an observer hidden behind some curtains. I have yet to develop either of these skills and my priority first and foremost lies with study, you can bet that next holidays I'll be keen to get back in touch with my own imaginative side.