A Faery's Song

The hormones seem to be finally settling down and I have resolved to reuse a few of my favourite golden photographs for photo sets like this one so it seems I'll be pumping out a few more posts involving magic and crystals and the like. This post seems to have a more soft and feminine influence about it, but maybe that's because I want tender womanly care and not the banshee banter my own mother is abusing me with. I think I set a world land speed record for taking the shortest amount of time to anger a person over something that did not matter in the slightest. You'll see my names darlings on the walk of fame any minute now...

I can't wait to play in the flowers and trees of a local park tomorrow when I see my gal pals for a picnic.If all goes to plan I will remember to bring my Lomo LCA+ and not lose it or have it stolen from me and we will keep all our clothes on up to and including bras. I do rather like the dreamy tone of this photograph, the soft focus and the use of a low hanging tree branch covered in blossoms to partially obscure this woman's chest.

I just felt like including lots of antique looking medicines bottles full of old labels. There's nothing really feminine about them but it's a nice little reminder that I've been accepted into what is arguably, the second most coveted university in the state and into the faculty of science. So although the world of science is underrated and supposedly full of geeks and fashion won't mix, I vow to be one of the more beauteous female students in the faculty and have brains and maybe a little beauty too. Having both would be nice, but push come to shove I think improving one's intellect is a more worthwhile pursuit and a little easier to improve upon if you're not blessed with raw goods. What could be more magical and intriguing in this life than to engage and reciprocate in love? It has such a wasting power but when you get it right it's like a limitless supply of energy, though it is also draining on occasion too.

One of the best things about being a woman and having looks is attention from men; now, that does sound incredibly unfeminist but hear me out. When all else fails over the last year and a half I've still been able to depend on my beau when he's around to cheer me up and he is one of the sweetest things in the world. I just wish I had been able to talk to him tonight and let him now that I love receiving and exchanging attention with him and it does make me feel a little more womanly to indulge in a romantic relationship.

I'd love seeing thick and spindly looking dandelions, plucking them in small bouquets and breathing life into the spores to spring up more plants and gain more chances at wishing. At the time, I had a few rabbits to feed the empty stems to and the more I did this the more I would get to feed them. Dandelions are still a picturesque and unique plant to look at and maybe I'll get to study plants more as a part of the science faulty at Monash but I'd be more interested in gems and metals really. I must be spending way too much time looking at online jewellery stores but at the moment it, all I can think about is going into the highest paying profession when I finish my degrees.

A few years ago, maybe one or two I would have been all over the raw and crystal jewellery as well as the use of silver in this photograph but it seems that people change and mature and silver is no longer my metal of preference. I keep forgetting to wear jewellery when I'm out with my friends or my beau but that doesn't mean that I've completely stopped wearing it. When going out to work and handling register and stock I took great pride in wearing thick rings and when I go out with my family as well.

I always associate long hair that's messy and untidy with magical beings be them good or evil. Mermaids are often depicted with hair long enough to cover their chest even when wearing bras made of shells and I'm glad I've managed to squirm out of my appointment with our hairdresser. I was rather pleased with the textured look I had this morning when releasing my hair from it's overnight braid but it does look a little dry and like it could do with a trim or at least a product to restore it. Despite being a little dry, my hair is no where near the state of my brother's wiry hair and it still has a neat shine to it thanks to using expensive conditioner meant for coloured hair. I've lost any streaks that I did have in the past and it just gives my hair a healthy shine.

I've always wanted a gorgeous framed mirror or painting to decorate my room but it seems I don't visit the local second hand shops enough to know where the opportunities are and buying online for something that fragile and large is often a nightmare. Even if I don't think people think highly of my appearance, I can be quite vain and happily perch myself in front of a mirror to see my reflection. I don't use windows though or black screens unless I'm checking for signs of love bites or sunburn.

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