Another photo compilation of feminine looking girls with a sort of fierce quality about them as well. From afar you can't really see her hair but in the photograph above she's got normal hair and her pony tail is bright cotton candy pink. I know I have a close-up photograph somewhere but I don't know the model's name; all I know is I love the shoes from afar which have a sort of dominatrix appeal about them but the pink cardigan as well as billowing pink pony tail lend a feminine touch to her outfit. The dark and gloomy setting of an underground car park with puddles too and rough wooden walls is just another quirky touch.
I had intended on going in to university to sign up for a camp, but instead I've lined up a range of activities to do for free and centralised around the campus itself. Still, I had my outfit for the costume part all planned out; one of the themes was 'The End of the World' and I was going to dress up as a desperate bride with a cardboard sign of 'Please Marry Me!?' around my neck with running mascara but that probably would have scared off a few people and hence hindered my chances of getting to know people. This photograph reminds me of all the gorgeous and dainty white vintage dresses as well as bridal veils I was looking at last night on Etsy. Instead I have signed up for a nice little festivity in which one of my favourite bands, The Grates will be performing.
I'm so envious of the quality of her hair and the soft textured look about it, also the fact she's wearing what looks to be a rather high quality and pretty floral wreath in her hair. This is the sort of photography I'm most keen to become a part of since I struggle most often with capturing people on film and this black and white effect has simply taken my breath away. Unfortunately the photography club at my university specialises in landscape outings and may not take kindly to my plastic cameras. Instead I'm going to join the vintage and Harry Potter club and attend their parties with camera in hand. Though nothing I take will look as romantic and gorgeously orchestrated as this photograph here.
I love the soft focus of the photograph above, as well as the jagged cut of her fringe. Since I was a little girl I had always had a front fringe but grew it out during high school. It would be comforting for a few days to have the experience all over again but I like the way my hair is when it falls naturally into place. Still, I firmly believe that caps such as the hats from Disneyland in the shape of Mickey Mouse should be worn with a front fringe, other-wise you look uncomfortably bald and realistic. Somehow, this girl has managed to maximise the prominence of her hair by perching her hat closer to the back of her head. Maybe it's a size too small or something.
I've had Polaroid 600 cameras in my possession for a while now but I think I may sell one (to make room for another) and really get a feel for using the monstrous beasts. One if a Polaroid Passport camera and a machine in its own right weighing 1.5kg so I may sell that in favour of another cute Polaroid 600 camera- my main problem is that I have a few rolls of film as well as a stash of Polaroid 100C packets in the fridge that I haven't had the motivation to use of process. I'm hoping to change that small aspect about myself this year.
Since I had dark hair and a lot of it as well as tanned skin I would get away with wearing pastel shades of pink and lilac but a lot of the time I choose not to. I am however in love with feminine accessories such as book clutches by Olympia Le-Tan as well as metal bows in pastel enamel from Gala Curious. It's just a little difficult to let go of the grunge goddess/ witch that leaves deep within the cockles of my heart and abandon black clothing as well as quirky things. It seems that the character of an angsty teen will be sticking around in my blood for a few more years.