Scrapbook Mad

I'm on one of those weird moods again, today has been spent drinking coffee and being motivated by the ticking of my wind-up watch to type blog posts and I've been cutting out Miu Miu style cats in cardboard which I'll later glue to a thin and pastel coloured exercise book I'll get sometime this week. I'm happy with what I've been doing online but it feels like I need to get back to the old methods of publishing and I want to scrapbook things together from Vogue and try writing that way a little bit before I completely revert back to solely relying on technology. I won't have so much time to enjoy doing arts and crafts activity when I'm in my first year of university so I think I'll take my time and enjoy what I have left of a very hot and sweaty holiday. The Melbourne heat is coming back and is as strong as ever.

The inner-conflict of my head can be easily represented by this picture: I want to sleep but also get out of bed and have a cup of coffee to start blogging; but at the same time I know I should make use of my camera (sparked by seeing the black case next to the sleeping woman) the Lomo LCA+ something I may well bring to the university information session this Friday. There's also my obligation to keep in contact with my friends from high school and have a proper conversation over the phone, trying to read books I've borrowed from the library and I've already got Valentine's Day on my mind. Sometime I wish I wasn't so all over the place and I had the focus of a robot.

At the moment I'm trying to sever a few Vogue extracts from another but I can't do it without cutting something off or there being awkward angles involved. I'm sort of in a half-hearted scrap booking frenzy and I've cut out about six cats in paper cardboard as well as a poorly hand drawn skull and some bones and I have no idea what I'm going to do with them but I do know where to get lovely cheap books in pastel colours for $1.50. so I should try and take care of that tomorrow. I may even attempt to insert extracts of hand written notes too to add a personal touch, I've also got a can of cherry flavoured Cocoa-Cola that I want to take a self-portrait of me drinking and a whole lot of other blog ideas but at the moment I just want to bask in the glorious air-conditioned lounge room and listen to the tennis from the television.
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