Feminine Spectrum

I've finally tracked down my pair of dream shoes and it appears they're coming in February which is only a matter of days away so I'll need to start saving my pennies right away! They're very feminine and ballerina inspired so what better way to get myself in the mood for their arrival then by showcasing soft focus photograph and feminine settings to everyone? I'm embracing my feminine side as of late in terms of fashion and inspired photography although I am wearing my usual sport shorts and hooded jumper I feel a little more feminine and charming than yesterday- go figure.

On the odd occasion that I'm inthe mood to clean I love to picture what my house would look like if I was less of a sloth and more neat. I use photographs like this to feel ashamed and then use the inspiration to do a little tidying up when the mood takes me. My mother promised me I could get a chandelier for my room when I turned sixteen and I'm not eighteen and have seen neither hide nor hair of it. It's probably for the best- a messy room and a chandelier together would look ridiculous and I don't have the motivation to clean my room just for that. It would have looked nice, but the cracked paint around my current lighting fixture tells me to leave it alone and not change anything too drastically at the moment.

It's not often that I enjoy photographs of rainbows and daisy chains but I feel relaxed just looking at them and am enjoying the peace and quiet of the house without my mother. Although she is a woman, that doesn't make her sweet and feminine like the photographs you see before you. At the moment she's all claws and verbal daggers so it's best I distance myself at the moment and enjoy something soothing like a cloud splattered in all the colours of the spectrum.

I know that the trend of dyed hair is probably on it's way out, but I can't help but feel inspired by this long fishtail braid with woven pink and blue strands of hair and my favourite colour lilac being present. I have dark brown hair and while it's not the same, maybe the colour combination of this side of the spectrum would look good in my hair? For a while I was tempted to have dip-dye pink hair and maybe purple at the top or bottom and a combination of two colours but I really do lack the guts to peroxide colour my hair and start the process.

One of my permanent tabs opened in  my Internet browser is a ring in the design of a bird's foot holding an orb of crystal. The ring is by Unearthen and can be found here, I'm mentioning it because it's one of my favourite pieces of crystal jewellery at the moment having gone through the whole collection of Nick Von K's skull jewellery. It would be wonderful if I could buy them all at once and no longer just have to soothe my hunger for the pieces by looking at their picture but I do need to save a little bit of money by the time my term deposit matures again and not spend every dollar I earn anymore. I've gotten myself into a terrible habit.

I've almost finished burning a candle completely which is something I have never yet done before! It's not long and white and on a candelabra shown above so I don't have to worry about the mess of wax underneath but it smells of cherry blossoms and was supposedly inspired by Osaka. I have been meaning to go to a shopping centre in my area to 1. Check my staff discount eligibility. 2. Buy more candles and 3. Hand in resumes all across the place. I keep waking up late though and feel terribly unmotivated in the mornings, I'd much rather enjoy the last hours of my candle in peace and type to my heart's content on the computer pulling together images.

Another thing I should be trying this new year is wearing more lipstick particularly shades of pink with just a tinge of colour to contrast against my tan skin but my motivation for that too stinks. I usually forget in the mornings and can't be bother re-applying when I have lunch for the day or drink from a bottle of water. I'm also a little pre-occupied with my new liquid eyeliner and have decided to ease off the mascara in favour of that eye make-up.

I've seen so many gorgeous photographs in which confetti or fairy dust is blown at the lens of a camera and creates a frenzy of colour and a sparkling cloud effect but I haven't yet figured out how exactly to do this without creating a large mess and also to the best effect. I have seen girls in costumes crowded around the camera and at a tea party sort of event and then blowing coloured confetti out of a hand covered in a lace glove. I like that effect the best, maybe I should find a dress to look like Alice and try it for myself or whatever dress I next buy for myself that could be passed off as formal wear.

Despite the all-leather shift dress, high heels as well as sheer tights all in black there's something sweet about this photograph- it must be the long blond hair in soft waves that softens the look as well as the look of the model. She reminds me a lot of the prettiest deer in the forest, caught in headlights and then photographed for Vogue in their spring edition.

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