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There's not a simple way of expressing my fondness for Alexa Chung's seemingly effortless style and her chic intuition for good clothing. No matter when and where her picture is taken she always has the same tireless smile and her legs look so stick thin- I'm jealous! The addition of a mustard scarf with a simple sort of checkered print against a camel coat is the perfect way to keep warm during the European Winter and the shades of brown with tortoiseshell coloured buttons really complements the dark tone of her hair. For some reason the ruffled wave of her locks looks so charming when on someone else it may look like unsightly bed hair. Ah Alexa, you really are master of all things fashionable and I am in the market for some dotted tights- love the sheer hue of the tights worn in this photo along with the black suede platform wedges.

I've always thought that the range of leopard cardigans from Opening Ceremony were cute but this photograph of Alexa Chung is all the convincing I need to search for my own mohair and fluffy soft sweater in a light caramel print. I'm not so keen about the body skirt and the red bag worn with it but I have been after a tasteful design of leopard print and I could easily team it up with a magenta coloured satchel I have or perhaps a Deadly Ponies Mr. Lure key chain. I would love to be able to track down the real thing but I'm happy to scope out the best of what eBay has to offer to imitate and channel some of Alexa Chung's style for myself.
She always finds the most chic hats too! Normally I'm not a fan and I avoid them in my day-to-day wear but there's something about the combination of both a hat and scarf when worn by the lovely Ms. Chung that's utterly charming. This isn't the only style she wears, but there;s typically a shallow floppy brim and a hat made of felt with a decorative band across the middle. It looks really good with her hair sticking out the way it does.

The vintage style that Alexa endorses is simply out of this world and phenomenal. The sheer white blouse in Victorian style with ruffles worn underneath a navy blue v-necked dress was a good call- she's definitely used to European weather and layering.The Peter Pan collar of the sheer dress and the ruffles is something I'd be clamoring to get my hands on if only I knew where to start! Alexa manages to wear the best of recreated vintage designs but as new and in pristine condition- while her hair may be occasionally ruffled by the wind her clothes are always crease free and clean. I love the way she's teamed up a bag covered and bordered with tiny metal studs as well, her style is mildly eclectic and dare I say, very close to my own sense of style. Or it would be if I had the money to buy the gorgeous things my heart keeps lusting over.
I love the striped colours of the blue bag charm Alexa has in this photograph, I've never seen it before but worn with a simple dark blue cardigan and brass buttons down the middle. The red and gold chain in contrast with the blue bag is something different and tasteful- and I love her half blond hair and the way it sort of curls around in places. I suppose she must straighten and style it half the time but even when she does look slightly dishevelled she passes the look off with a confident smile.

What I like most about Alexa's style is how accessible it is and how you can find much the same thing locally- but there's just something about the way she wears her pieces as well as the garment construction. She doesn't wear tight-fitting skirts or anything really short so in that way she's a good role-model; there's just well designed clothes and vintage looking pieces worn with confidence and effortless style. I suppose there's a lesson in all this- that being that the sexiest thing a woman can wear is confidence and self-assurance. That, and Peter Pan collars won't go out of style for a while and soft ruffles in clothing look great no matter what the material is.

Her poses are quite simple really, the gentle upwards tilt of the head as well as clasping one hand over the other and a scarf worn in a cowl sort of way. I like the gold opal ring too, Alexa's jewellery borders on the unique and eclectic as well as timeless pieces in precious metals and stones. I'm in the market for a purse like clutch or bag and I've spotted the perfect pieces that I'm dying to get my hands on, but it's all very shush shush and I won't reveal anything till I secure the piece.