What's in my bag

I have been a member of IFB for a while now but I never did any of their projects. But this one was fun and easy so here is what's in my bag.

My phone charger, I 'm a phone addict so I can't even imagine what I would do if the batterie died. My phone, although it's rarely in my bag since it's always in my hand :) My metro pass. Pads, cause you never know when you might get a bad surprise. Gum. Hand cream. My keys. My wallet. My external harddrive for watching movies when I get bored at work. Burt's bees lip balm. My agenda. An umbrella since it's always raining lately. Nars concealer. Benefit foundation. Givenchy mascara.

Apparently you can tell a lot about someone by what's in their bag. So what does this say about me?
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