Femme Fatale: Alexa Chung

I think I may have discovered the perfect crush and embodiment of all that is cool, vintage and stylish - Alexa Chung. It's funny to have this sort of weird longing to meet someone but to also become more like someone since I never really had that teenage stage where I plaster the walls of my room with only images of one person. My wall at the moment is a hot-pot of vogue extracts, posters and other magazine clippings from Russh. 

But just because I'm not used to this sort of bizarre feeling of fascination it doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it. Her look and style is so simplistic but chic. There are moments where her eyes give of this fantastic mysteriousness as well as brooding inert darkness. She can pull of a model's pout but she looks so gorgeous and like she has a warmth of her own when she smiles. I love the quirky little cameo skeleton necklace she wears, but its really difficult to find high quality cameo jewellery that's quirky. The eccentric cameo pieces are usually plastic which is why I'm more incline to stick with vintage pieces.
The eyeliner Chung wears is enough to accentuate and bring attention to those beautiful eyes of hers without over doing it and leaving long comet tails too far across her face. Something I have yet to fully master. She looks so gorgeous and slight; but not in the tradition of being unhealthy and skinny. She looks radiant and gorgeous. This post mainly has Chung wearing muted tones of light pink, beige, cream, white and black. There's something to be said for her mastery of the minimalist effect and how it really makes the wearer stand out. Not being over shadowed by the clothes they wear.

I've been growing my hair out long so that it reaches my waist but seeing how lovely she looks with her tousled shoulder length hair almost makes her face look longer and more delicate. It makes me want to hack off my own hair and have the different tones throughout its length but I know that I would only look dishevelled and trashy whereas she is known for it and carries the style far better than I or any other mortal could try.

There's something to be said about a strong woman who is very talented without spreading herself thin. A style icon, TV presenter, contributing editor to British Vogue DJ, model and I am sure, a wonderful person and very lovely in her own right Alexa Chung is setting the bar high for standards of grooming and quirk. Something I hope to one day aspire towards within my own right.

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