Prada Fur: S/S11

Sully's a big fan of wearing fur and so should you!

As someone who wants to become a veterinary surgeon and has been a lover of animals since she can remember, this is a conflicting moment for me. The stripey and better quality fur stoles are real mink fur that has been dyed, whereas the one colour or two colour blocking fur stoles are faux and not as outstanding.
Even just be looking at the photographs there is a big variation in the texture of the fur used as well as the bright colour. If all this is possible and macroscopic to the eyes, then there must be an even larger difference in real life between the real fur and faux stoles of the Prada 2011 collection.

I'm really envious of all the gorgeous fashion bloggers who get to play and wear these things as well as the models with tonnes of disposable income and people bending over backwards to try to take their street style photographs. Alas this life isn't for me, just eighteen years old and in between my VCE exams. There's still a lot to go, but I can't help using fashion eye candy as inspiration to get me more motivated to study (seems off I know).
I loved the Prada S/S11 collection; it was amazing- modern and fascinating and far different from any other collection of that season. I loved the 1940's soft wave hair on the models, the handbags and striped clutches as well as the baroque sunglasses, the banana shirts and the fat chunky platform brogues. It lent itself well to magazine covers, it was incorporated into so many whether it was the feature or subtly added in as an accessory or shoe. It's fair to say that I was fairly disappointed when I stepped into the boutique (finally had the courage) and there was nothing left of the whimsy and magic of the collection; save for a pale of dull coloured platform brogues after seeing so much colour and frenzy from afar months ago and depriving myself the privilege to see it for myself in person and have a play with their bags. The same goes for Miu Miu 2010, I must learn to have more confidence and become sneakier at taking photographs.
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