Hairy Situation- Some like it Hot

I'm in a bit of a hairy situation myself as it were- I have long natural dark brown hair which is almost a black colour. My mother is Asian and it shows in me, dark brown eyes and brown hair. Obviously any attempt I had in the past to dye my hair a light colour or have streaks has gone horrible wrong with the streaks turning out orange and taking about 2 years to grow out. Not a very fun part of my life. 
Peroxide would also be a very big commitment considering I am still sitting on the fence- to colour or not to colour? That is the question... Whether t'is nobler in the mind to suffer the contemplation... I haven't had a proper haircut in about 2 years maybe? Just trims here and there and my ends aren't as healthy as they could possibly be but I'm too busy with exam preparation to care right now. But after all that comes to an end I am bound to become bored and antsy with myself and wonder whether it is time to get a hair cut, in which case dip-dyeing my ends might be promising because if I get in trouble with Ma and Pa then I can just cut them off anyway and the damage to my hair won't be too sever.
But I am very tentative still; dip dyeing seems to have been around heaps and I dunno, it seems to main stream now? A few months ago and last year I thought of doing it but at those stages I thought I had caught onto the trend too late so didn't want to try. But it seems to have become increasingly popular and more than just a passing fad with wild coloured hair and make up being included in the presentation of runway models for top designers. So maybe it's not too late? I'm full of indecision as of late.
Beautiful hair can be a natural colour too, I guess I just feel sick of being ordinary and want to become something extraordinary. Inside and out. Of course it's hard to make radical changes to ones' looks when also in a relationship - I'm not really one to rock-the-boat and I don't want to start now. I suggest to him what I like and what I think looks good on him (and how dramatic haircuts make it hard for me to recognise him at work since I'm blind and also a terrible girlfriend) and he listens. So it's not fair on him for me not to listen to him when he says he likes my long hair and to do crazy permanent stuff to it that he may not like. It's not just about pleasing myself and being free and independent, I have to be a good partner to him and compromise I guess. 

Wild colour hair just seems to go well with bright coloured clothes, pastel as well as wearing all black. Even if the colour in your hair fades into some weird and wild different colours from the first time it was applied, it's a good journey and change is always good. That's I guess what I feel like most, some sort of weird hair virgin that doesn't believe in trimming or haircuts or colouring anymore. I had some streaks in some weird places during my junior years of high school and looking back, they did not look good. At all. 

So I am tentative, although it's never really good when your hairdresser is a friend of your mother's and although they completely screwed up and your hair looks horrible to you and you hate it you just have to smile and nod and say thank you. 

So I may be easily influenced to dye my hair wild colours as it's the culmination of many months of boredom, no social life and study.

Mixing colours such as these remind me so much of My Little Pony, I really want to start collecting them from Op Shop and buy nice ones from eBay- this is a terrible idea since I already have expensive habits (film photography, not drugs or smoking or alcohol). It's just so wild, a little New wave and modern.

The dye hair thing must be my own rebellion against my dull boring self and wanting to take more photographs of beautiful things and become beautiful myself. I just need motivation rather than to keep studying till my neck is sore and I have a headache.
Faded hair colour in a soft pastel tone, strong eyebrows (she shapes them really well) and a little bit of regrowth which sort of completes the look and a dull white chunky jumper. She's just so gorgeous.
For the Summer Holidays in between the end of my high school life and the start of university, I think it would be a fun thing to do- wild colours in my hair and work retail. Dress exuberantly in the hope of getting style snapped for some sort of publication (Internet or print) and make lots of money and take photographs of outfits. I do plan to do this with this blog, or I had planned to- it just happens that I don't wear a lot of makeup and don't waste wearing makeup if I have nothing to do. Also I am never going into town and never have anything exciting to dress up for. It's easier to store lots of beautiful images of beautiful people and write interesting comments. I make no secret of how boring I am in real life and dull things are.
Bright pink lipstick, bright pink hair in long tresses and masses with soft curls and volume and colour blocking galore. The backdrop for this photograph really contributes to the bright colours on the model, the focus is definitely not on her features but the colours she wears.

I can think of a few solutions for my hair colour fetish at the moment:
  1. Make the commitment and dip dye my ends,
    the dyes available on eBay are about $25 not including postage and there is a large range of colours to choose from. The only thing is that since I have deep brown hair, often described as black by my retina challenged friends is that it would need to be treated so I can't really get it done at home by myself since I need peroxide. So I can't really joke to my parents that it's not a big deal and stuff. Also, if they do make me get rid of it I'm like to cut the ends of my hair after the treatment and not really lose any length, just the very dried out dead ends. Although if I get my hair dip dyed at a saloon I'll bet they'll make me get a trim to my ends anyway for the health of my hair... that means two hair cuts and no colour in the end if my parents crack it.
  2. Buy cheap eye shadow from eBay.
    On Vogue forums (which is where this whole fascination with coloured hair was ignited again), there is a new product by Kevin Murphy, celebrity hair stylist called Color.Bug, but in an earlier video before the product was introduced, he uses dyed pigments from eye shadow crushed up in a big tub and rubs it through a model's hair once he rubs through some product and blow dries it before it's pressed it. The great thing about this method is that for a brunette it also colours the hair and if the hair is wet the colour is even more intense. So there's no commitment to this method and bright colour and no trouble with parents but it looks difficult to try if you haven't done it before and you're not very hair savvy. It's a look I would want to vary and that can be done- dip dye hair one day, all colour the next and then maybe a whole pink ponytail. I could use it to get into working at retail at some places that are cool and like hipster things I bet...
  3. Buy Kevin Murphy's Color.Bug-
    which comes in three different colours purple, orange and pink. Problem is I would want to mix it up with different variations and that can be done when combining the different colours together. My hair could look like a sunset! It would take the same amount of time to apply as the eye shadow but without having to grind it all up and store a tub of crushed eye shadow in my room. The packaging and size of the applicator would make it handy to use and perhaps a little easier. Once again it washes out in one rinse and is a one time use with bright vivid colour if you're a brunette.

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