Were it not for my busy and demanding study schedule of university life I would have every intention to learn to knit or to pay someone to knit a cute and kitsch jumper with my name on it. The red jumper named 'Olympia' was made by the artist Olympia Le-Tan's mother for her sweetheart and works well with this wonderfully subversive image. Use of cheery reds in gingham and knit as well as the felt headband (also made from the Le-Tan studio) complements the childish youth and bright-eyed exuberance displayed by this youth. But the wild eyes in pale green/ grey, blue dyed tongue and motif of pills on the 'Valley of the Dolls' clutch held offers a refuge of darkness. I wish there were more images in this manner used to advertise the collection of Olympia, not that there's anything wrong with the current online store presentation. I think I just prefer to see how these wonderful creations can be incorporated into outfits and the luck and advantage of certain children over myself.

Sisters Olympia and Cleo pulling off sweet chic 1960s flair with high raised bangs on the forehead, hair scarfs as well as gorgeous looking evening coats. If I were the sole creator of such magnificent accessories, then I'd show them off in public as well. The reason I want to have two daughters is exemplified in this photograph- the two seem to be the best of friends with matching styles and red lipstick. Ideally they would share clothes and be two halves to one whole (oddly enough I don't want twins).

As well as the creator of many finely stitched accessories and tidbits, it appears from the Olympia Press Tumblr that there is also avid collection and collaboration in their own comes of curiosities worldwide. I believe the flag to be French but there's also the purchases of Korean stitched pencil cases and 'My Neighbour Totoro' curiosities speckled about the place.

As wonderful as it is to see Le-Tan book clutches used in fashion shoots and editorials, I can't help but more from this. The use of black dress and matching accessories was far too safe and the makeup too safe. I lust for something more dramatic and spectacular, such as the first image of sweet and sugar-weened child posing a kooky pose with wild-eyes.

A girl dressed like she's straight from a fairy tale should only be reading the stuff of fairy tales and cheesy romances. Midi skirts that skim from between the knees and ankles seem to be the most popular this season in patterns both new and old. What's appealing about this photo is the sickly sweet candy tones about the whole image and the swirling braids atop the models hair like small sandcastles.

My mother as of late has been watching many an Agatha Christie murder mystery and Poirot- it must be the melting pot of strange, foreign accents and a good gory murder that entices her. If I were more generous and had the money to splash around I would love to buy her this. On the basis of, if she rejects the gift I will be more than happy to adopt the poor darling.

Early in the Le-Tan past there were gorgeous swirling scrolls of parchment in pink and blue with horrible curse words. This is something that I would love to try for myself were it not for the fact that I constantly worry about offending people around me to the point where they beat me up. Again this is my dark and subversive self creeping out from the dark and dank pits of my stomach. If I ever find the time for myself to be kooky and crafty again I should try something similar for myself in the way of ferrying heavy textbooks from home to campus.

My favourite Frenchies of the last year have been two kinds of Olympias; Olympia Le-Tan who creates
minaudières and Charlotte Olympia who gives birth to the most wonderful and creative heels you will ever clap eyes on. Pictured above is what I believe to be, Olympia Le-Tan's apartment featuring a mouth-watering assortment of heels featuring cats as well as her own fluffy feline. Anyone who likes cats in my books must secretly be a superhero and ignores all James Bond logic. I was absolutely ecstatic when I discovered that the Le-Tan's had cats and they also bought shoes from the prestigious label, Charlotte Olympia.

Despite all the eclecticism of adopting other original illustrative works, I'm impressed to see a collection and cohort of the
minaudières made with fine French standard and common threads throughout. Each piece is made lovingly by hand using a pinch of fairy dust and ground unicorn hair to make them look as splendid as they do. While I do love each piece I pour my eyes over like an individual child; I really would love to claim ownership over the bottom right clutch in red and random spread of letters spelling Olympia.