Since their range has been so complex and ever changing I have had to split this monster label into two posts if you don't mind; this one dedicated to the sexy sultry bodysuits and swimwear their dead-skinny models sport as well as the leggings in a future unwritten post. (Unwritten in relation to the point of time I am currently writing).
In amazing imaginative prints ranging from the depths of space to the grim spectre of death there is nearly a piece to suit every taste as long as it is not belonging to a conservative boring person. Make no mistake, this is not for the faint of heart and is best worn by the beautiful, adorned and skinny. Perhaps this is why I don't own a piece yet?
Since I don't have Paypal I have had the wretched misfortune to miss out on this fad too. Perhaps not a fad though, I would like to see this a promising piece of fashion integrated into everyday and popular culture. Indeed it has already turned the world of fashion blogging around on the Jeffrey Campbell wedged heels as well as fashion photography.

The designer, James Lilis, plays around with variations on the one design a very thoughtful and beneficial idea for him as the galaxy range, skeletal legs and patent leather colour variations are by far the most easily recognisable on lookbook, google images etc.

My only gripe with the imaginative whimsical and most splendorous imagination of Lilis is that he limits production on his designs and a number of my favourites are now un-acquirable. Something that at the mere mention of makes me feel rather sad and uncomfortable. With the most unusual sizes left I am now forced to look good and diet and exercise to look ravishing in amazing Lycra bodysuits. It's almost as if a divine rebirth of the 1980's is happening before our very eyes and if I had the money and the Paypal capacity to carry out such a deed I would buy the whole store and dress only in the most dapper and amazing way. Create art in my everyday life as it were and have something to write about and photograph on my other blogs. So I am forced to wish and dream.