
For the first time since I started my blog I have received some blog awards. It really means a lot to me since it shows that some people appreciate my blog :)  So a big big THANK YOU to Charmed Charlee  for giving them to me!!

So the rules for these awards are:
1. Thank the person that gave you these awards and link back to them.
2. Post seven things about yourself.
3. Pass the love to 15 bloggers.
7 Things:
1. I'm 24 but I look and I act like I'm 16
2. I'm half Canadian and Half French
3. I grew up in Canada but I now live in Paris with my boyfriend
4. I quit university after 5 years and no diploma because I hated it
5. I'm addicted to shopping
6. I'm shy around people I don't know but the complete opposite with people I know
7. I don't like coming up with things about myself

The Favourite Questions

Favourite Colour:
Blue and brown
Favourite Song:
I don't really listen to music but I guess it's any song by The Pretty Reckless
Favourite Dessert:
What Pisses You Off:
Everything!!!! I get pissed off way too easily 
When you're upset you:
Hide it
Favourite Pet:
Black or White:
Biggest Fear:
Being alone
Best Feature:
I don't know
What is Perfection:
Guilty Pleasure:

Blogs I have awarded this to:
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