Olympia Le-Tan at DN'A

All of the book clutches made by Olympia Le-Tan each with their brass edges as well as print lining by British label Liberty have already been sold, so I suppose I don't mind sharing the images with you as a means of cataloguing what may well be some of Olympia Le-Tan's earlier works but there's still the fine detail and crafty kitsch about them. If I had all the money I needed, I'd buy them all and have a little library of them where I can touch their covers and also collect a list of great classic books to read as well. I loved the contrast of shapes for the yellow hats and their little red ribbon brims as well as the white stitching to create lines and flows of crease along the red dresses for the above book clutch, 'CES DAMES AUX CHAPEAUX VERTS'.

There's more detail for some design than others and the simplistic silhouette shapes in felt of a hand here, a face there as well as hair and a chef's hat on a red background can be enough to keep some people happy. I've worked with felt before, on the most basic and simple of levels and at times I struggled to cut out the perfect shapes and also manipulate my dull scissors in such a way to manufacture the perfect shape and sharp edges of the material. I wonder how much practice Olympia and her sister Cleo have had with felt and how many pieces they throw out if they don't succeed at first attempt.

Ironically I had the chance to buy an Olympia Le-Tan book clutch for about $400 online of the title of 'Ex-Husband' but it sold before I was able to scrape together the funds and a means of paying for it online. 'Ex-Wife' seems to have more meticulous detail and shading, especially about the neckline and the expression captured in here eyes is simply wonderful, in an unhappy sort of way. I do hope that Olympia Le-Tan continues to make her book clutches in the time it will take to me to graduate from university as well as settle into a high-paying job. I couldn't die a happy woman if I didn't have a Olympia Le-Tan clutch as well as some Charlotte Olympia kitty flats in my possession.

I know in my heart of hearts that the visual design of this book is very simple and there's nothing extraordinary about it, but seeing those bright and wonderful squares contrasted on this black background set my heart a flame- as it were. I love seeing photographs of the Le-Tan studio space almost as much as her book clutches long since sold- there's bookcases full of the original classic novels that have inspired a book clutch of their own and an untold story about them a younger generation now has access to.

What's interesting about the Le-Tan book clutches is the variety in book covers they assimilate and recreate- there's boundless energy about them whether they focus on the title of a cover or an illustration of a woman, Her latest designs seem even bigger and better than before some featuring an entire tableau of a city and background and finely stitched cities and renaissance scenes about them. I can't wait till the whole lot is released in her online store, and there's also been rumours of a few pieces of clothing too!

Everything about any book clutch designed and produced in the Le-Tan workshop of dreams is perfect in every single way- I never think that certain elements can be done better or that the title isn't stitched quite right. Nope, nothing is wrong about any clutch and they are all reach their artistic limit and greatness at the hands of their skilled makers, Olympia and Cleo. There's so many elements of design for the above book clutch including the hand wrapped around the clock, the roman numerals as well as the author's name and in between clock hands and the title of the book. Although all these different things are very close to one another, there's nothing crammed in and everything seems relatively spaced out.

A 1920s drawn woman with black lipstick, black hair and eyes with a well placed white thread to create shadow as well as shine? Coupled with the fur coat created around her petite face and the combination of dark green and light pink in neatly stitched words? It seems an impossible task to pick a favourite cover and book clutch from the nineteen shown in this post, but this particular clutch would make the top nine easily.

There's no real preference for me when it comes to the colour of a Le-Tan clutch made be the wonderful sisters Olympia and Charlotte but it's how the cover looks as a whole and I wouldn't even bother to coordinate the minaudière with an outfit. You can be sure that if I had one in my possession I would use it at every opportunity and love the thing to pieces- which may end up being a dangerous pursuit really since they are quite expensive. I suppose I'm drawn to this clutch above for the looping and scrolling thread used to write in such a small font for French and the decorating loops around and in between the two borders.

I've always wanted to read George Orwell and when I finally finish my university enrollment and suss out all the buildings I will be making a trip to the library to borrow, one book at a time, a classic novel and pray that my studies don't swamp me with too much study. However I will be in the science faculty and there's a lot of lectures and tutorials to attend so we'll just see how my social and online life fair when scholastic pursuits once again threaten to take over my life.

 minaudière. Although there are mini-cases available in this colour combination of pink and light blue, there's something irresistible about the allure of the book clutches made with brass on the edges as well as Liberty material lining. Of course beggars can't really be choosers when it comes to the fabulous allure of Olympia Le-Tan and I'll take anything at a low price from this collection. I just hope that the new Pre-Fall 2012 collection is a kind price for my poor wallet... 

Another of my favourite book clutches from the selection that was available at DN'A is this book clutch of Daphne du Maurier's play, 'The Years Between'. It must be the contrast of the grey and beige as well as the red stitched roses and ribboning effect at the top and bottom of the border that seems quite feminine as well as minimalist. I wish that all these lovely clutches were still available for purchase on the online store... instead of having to see the images of purchases I could have made myself.  

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