It does the bizarre and absolutely wonderful it's none other than Australian eclectic label Romance Was Born! Seen on the likes of Cate Blanchett, they cover the extraordinary with each collection more kitsch and camp then the last. Notable pieces I've admired over the years have included those sea green pants from their S/S 2009-2010 collection teamed up with a bright green beard - HELL YEAH! Plus their yin yang circle dress which goes for oodles and oodles of dollars beyond my wildest wallet themed dreams on eBay. Sad face.
Crochet goes off.
I would be so happy to have a boyfriend that dressed like this. I'm not even joking. The neat and tidy average brown hair is nice contrast against that beard and awkward gawd-i-hope-i-don't-ruin-the-clothes pose. He's a model though, so it's all very acceptable.
In the middle is the dress I was discussing, true I would have absolutely nowhere to where it to but still a lovely token Asian dress.
The Summer/Spring collection of 09/10 was themed under the sea, which of course makes me think of the prom scenes in the Back to the Future Movies. JOHNNY BE GOOD!
Work it Marty McFly!
I love any form of media that discusses time travel, be it cinematographic or literary.
The team from R.W.B. put a hell of a massive effort in order to create these massive runway shows, what with the atmosphere of their presentation, the make-up and accessories.
The make-up looks like it belongs in a gallery rather than in a fashion show sometimes. When I get a lot of different dreamy pastel coloured eye shadows etc. I will have to attempt some of these amazing feats performed by the Romance Was Born make-up team.
The designers and models of Romance Was Born pictured below.
These lace pants could have been mine if I had put up more of a fight and a fuss! I regret it now, looking back. And how much does this sheer top remind you of the Ellery lace top with epaulets? Gorge.
Ellery, designed by Kym Ellery; what a gem:
In conclusion: