Another upcoming appearance will be in BAKERSFIELD. I almost DIED when I saw the huge billboards they have put up in the city to advertise my appearance. It's one thing seeing myself on a 32" TV Screen, but something completely different to see yourself on a huge billboard! Lots of photoshop needed, let's just say! I will be a "special guest" at the "Look & Feel Your Best Expo", where I will speak about being a fashion designer and how I got there, as well as "dish" about my participation on the Bravo show. I will also be doing a "meet and greet" and hang out with all of Bakersfield's finest and most stylish!!!! This is a great event , so if you are in the area, or live nearby, stop by.
Besides my appearance, there are lots of other events planned all Saturday long (see below) and make sure to read THIS wonderful article/interview I did with a Bakerfield internet magazine:
When: Saturday, April 28, 2007 from 12 – 5PM
Where: Rabobank Convention Center,
1001 Truxtun Ave.
Bakersfield, CA, 93301
Cost: $10.00 Public
What: Bakersfield's Premier Image Event.
Do some shopping, have a cocktail, dress fashionably casual, and have fun!
Charity: A portion of the ticket sales will benefit the Children’s Miracle Network.
Click Here for all the details