Uncle Nick and Casia
So many people have asked about my Niece and how she has responded to the My Scene Barbie episode. Well, as you can imagine, she has been absolutely thrilled about the whole thing and is a celebrity in her 1st grade class!
Just over Christmas vacation, I got to take a little bit of time off, and visited my niece, and just to see her face light up when she received me at the airport made me feel like I could just go straight to Heaven now!!! All she kept saying was "I know what's in THAT suitcase...." Unfortunately I didn't actually have the produced Barbie yet, so I had to tell her, sadly , that she would be getting it soon enough.
She was a good sport about the whole thing and eagerly awaits the Barbie custom-designed just for her!
She is turning in to quite the young designer herself. She's already drawing her own fashion sketches. One design she sent me in the mail is 5 feet tall!! Atta Girl!!