Nick Verreos Takes on Style Week Orange County--and LOVED IT!!!

Behind the Orange (Fashion) Curtain!
Double Breasted in Orange County: Nick Verreos at the Style Week OC Active Ride After Party

If you've been keeping up with my lovely blog here, you may remember that last Monday, I went down to the Irvine Spectrum Center in Orange County to shoot a TV segment for "Good Day LA", Southern California's most watched morning news/talk show. The reason: To promote Style Week Orange County and the fashions that would be shown this year. Well, three days later I was BACK!
The weather was absolutely GORGEOUS as David and I made our way to Orange County and checked in to our OUT OF CONTROL home for the next few days, the Pelican Hill Resort (more on that in another post!). We got ready and headed to the Irvine Spectrum to check out the fashion shows. I was "blown away" by how fabulous everything was--from the modern and chic stark white runway stage to the stunning models hand-picked from LA's top modeling agency LA Models to the sectioned off area for red carpet and VIP guests. It was like Smashbox/Mercedes Benz LA Fashion Week but outdoors under a balmy evening breeze and 75 degree weather. In other words: It was better!
The Greek-Venezuelan Michael Kors: Nick Verreos judges the Needle and Thread Competition, Style Week Orage County

The evening began with the SOLD OUT (!) Designer Showcase Fashion Show and the Needle and Thread Competition, a contest sponsored by Ezekiel and Active Ride Shop. Six fashion school grads--who just happened to be ALL from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, my alma mater (Go FIDM!)--were chosen to design looks inspired by the Ezekiel Spring 2010 Collection. Mentor Nick: Nick Verreos flanked by Needle and Thread Contestants Liz Sandhoefner, Brenda Ahamad, Valentina Vardanyan, and Adrian Manuel

By coincidence, it happened to be that 5 out of 6 designers were former students of mine, so it goes without saying that even though I was "officially" there as a judge, I still felt like a "proud poppa". All six did amazingly well! They created designs that were "spot on" in following the Ezekiel brand but at the same time, injected their own design "DNA" into each garment.And The Winner Is: Nick Verreos announces the winner (and Second Place) of Needle and Thread Competition

It was a tough decision but we ended up choosing the talented 21 year old San Jose native (now residing in LA) Adrian Manuel as the winner. When his designs came down the runway, my fellow judges (all female) were emitting "oohs" and "aahs". Of all the 6 "contestants", he really nailed it! Therefore, we awarded him with the $4,000 (I know, shut up!) Top Prize. Second Place went to Liz Sandhoefner (who was a Debut FIDM 2009 Grad, along with Adrian). She received a $2,000 second place prize. As I announced them as the winners I think I saw tears come down their ecstatic faces. Yes, I was clutching my pearls for them!
Can You Spell Your Name? Meeting and Greeting at Irvine Spectrum Active Ride Shop After Party

Following the Needle and Thread Competition and Fashion Show, I was whisked off (by security guards no less--who am I Miley Cyrus?) to the After Party at the Irvine Spectrum's Active Ride Shop, where guests drank Champagne and mingled with all the designers. One...Singular Sensation:Nick Verreos and fans do their best Chorus Line Pose

I was also there to do a meet-and-greet with all the fashion show guests. I was humbled to see a long line of fans and fashion show guests alike (I'm just happy if two people show up!) and proceeded to sign and take lots of photos.
Miss Iraq: Nick Verreos poses with Iraq-born designer Oday Shakar and his models

Afterward, as I made my way back to my awaiting town car (yes, the clients got me limo! Love them!), I spotted a stunning six-foot tall model in a black gown so you just know I had to approach her. As it turned out it was a model, the Nigerian-born Tracy Acholonu, along with one of the Style Week OC featured designers, Oday Shakar (I missed his show because of the autograph signing). Of course, she was wearing one of his designs, along with a couple of other models. I might have missed his show but I got the "VIP Viewing" up close and personal--and it was all COUTURE!!
Next Up: My Macy's Appearance at the Irvine Spectrum....but first, I had to get a good night's rest at the fabulous Pelican Hill Resort...Toodles!

Click Below for a Video of Me Announcing the Needle and Thread Competition Winners at Style Week Orange County (and a "Nick" runway demonstration!)

Awesome Scientific Tattoos

Strange Tattoos You Don’t Want To Get (If You’re A Girl)

We all make mistakes. But sometimes people make them with permanent ink. If you’re female, we recommend you not make the following tattoo errors. Something tells us you’ll live to regret it. Check out the 20 Tattoos You Don’t Want To Get Especially If You’re A Lady.

20. The One with the Gun Pointing at Your Vagina
Freud would have a field day deconstructing the meaning of a piece of body art that implies the bloody mutilation of one’s reproductive organs.
19. The One that Makes You Look like a Cross between a Tiger and Ivan Drago
What this woman has done to her body is inexcusable. However, it would’ve been completely acceptable if she made herself look like a cross between a tiger and Apollo Creed.
18. The One That Implies You Have A Baby-Eating Shark In Your Armpit
Woman: “Do you have any tattoo designs that feature a shark eating a baby?”
Tattoo Artist: “But, of course. It’s one of our most popular.”
Woman: “Great! How much will it cost to put it on my armpit?”
17. The One of Honoring Barack Obama
Some people have celebrated the election of America’s first African-American President with collector plates and commemorative T-shirts. At least one woman decided a permanent image inked into her shoulder was the best way to honor the historic occasion. Now that’s ink we can believe in!
16. The One Of The Vagina… On Your Arm
There are two types of people in this world. The ones that think getting a tattoo of a vagina is horrifically classless and then this woman.
15. The One That’s Likely to Get Your Boyfriend (or Domestic Partner) Thrown in Jail
Have you ever been brutally beaten and thought, “This is a good look for me.” Well, someone out there did.
14. The One That Inks Twitter On Your Abdomen
If you’re going to be so hardcore, at least use your Twitter handle so we can follow you. We love crazy!
13. The One that Turns Your Leg into a Children’s Game
Why stop at a connect-the-dots tattoo? Why not a word search? Or “The New York Times” crossword puzzle?
12. The One That Turns Your Prime Real Estate Into A Board Game
What’s weirder? Someone who turns her chest into an ad for a classic board game or someone who does it then declares it sucks?
11. The One that Turns Your Prime Real Estate into a Pirate Flag
Arrrgggh matey! Me thinks this fair wench has some serious issues
10. The One That Fingers You As A Suspect Should Anything Happen To Ray Romano
The bad news is that someone wants to kill Ray Romano. The good news is that Brad Garrett has nothing to worry about.
9. The One That Honors Your Daughter
There’s no way to properly express the love a mother feels for her child. But if you do try to express it, perhaps turning your daughter’s likeness into a bad tattoo isn’t the way to go.
8. The One that Looks like a White Zombie Album Cover
We think this tattoo is supposed to depict what Marilyn of The Munsters would’ve looked like if she was a hooker.
7. Will Ferrell In”Elf”
Wow. Merry Christmas to you!
6. The One that Makes you a Creature of our Nightmares
Want to make a child cry? Invite this woman to your house.
5. The One that Could Get you Sued by George Lucas
A long time ago… on a sunburned back far, far away…
4. The One that Places a Bible Verse Right Above Your Ass Crack
Nothing drives home the righteous message of the Good Book quite like reading a verse from it off a young woman’s back. Hallelujah!
3. The One Inappropriately Mourns The Death Of Patrick Swayze
Look, we’re all sad. This is just a little far… just a little
2. The One that Reminds Us Of ‘50s Doo-Wop
Back angel, back angel… will you mine? Tattoos You Don’t Want To Get (If You’re A Girl)
1. The One that Depicts Two Mythical Creatures Getting’ It On
This image would make a great black light poster. It makes a less than great shoulder tattoo.

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